Monday, July 30, 2012

forgive me if I seem calm.

One day at work a lady came up to check out and placed Taken on the counter.
Me: Oh! I love this movie. It is so good! Have you heard they are coming out with a Taken 2?
Lady: Yes. It's for my son. He wanted it. It is good but it's really sad.
Me: Yeah it is but it's happening all over the world right now and a lot closer than you think.
Lady: I just like to pretend.
Instantly I felt my body fill with rage. How can you just pretend that this is not happening?  I bit my tongue and calmly finished her transaction.
I know how she can pretend. I know how I pretend. I know how you pretend. The biggest sex trafficking ring is here in Texas. Houston Texas. Right in our back yard. Everyday we purchase products labeled "SALE" or give the most business to the one company who prides themselves in always having low prices. Yet we fail to acknowledge that low prices are often synonymous to slave labor. That chocolate is largely produced with cocoa beans that are harvested by child slaves. Why don't we see this? Why don't we care? Why do we "just like to pretend"? Because we don't know these people. These people aren't our brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and friends and aunts and uncles and cousins. These people aren't even our enemies. They are invisible unless we open our eyes and stop pretending. For the past few days I've been constantly talking myself through this Chick-fil-a ordeal. I try to consider both sides but tonight my mind is clouded by reality by men, women, and children who work for $2 a day, all day, with no break at all. My mind is overrun by men, women, and children who are raped everyday, all day, until they become so damaged they are no longer wanted neither in brothels or in the sick world that didn't save them because they are too busy pretending. Get angry. Someone get pissed. I'm sorry that I view this Dan Cathy business as petty. That I can not seem to find the heart to be pissed about it. I do not hate gay people and I do not hate Christians. Each of us has been given the opportunity to make our own choices. Both gays and straights make their own. However their are people in this world that have no choice in the situations they are in. This argument is important to us because it directly influences us. It includes our brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and friends and aunts and uncles and cousins. It includes me and you but it's not what's important. We have the power to be happy and other's happiness is stripped away with their dignity. Think about what's important and remember those without a choice. 

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